Wednesday, November 6, 2013

bunny therapy

I am thinking of raising rabbits for a living.
I will sell them on as therapy pets.
Just gazing at baby bunnies is enough to release chemicals in the brain that are commonly referred to in the medical profession as "the warm fuzzies"
Holding a 10 day old squirming bundle of soft velvet-furred cuteness can make anyone smile.
Viewing parties by appointment only.

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About Me

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I have been married to Andy since 1991, we have 4 daughters, 2 dogs, 2 cat, 4 rabbits (and various baby rabbits) and a hamster (not dead). We have lived in the U.S.A since 2000, and are citizens of the U.K. I miss many things about the U.K.(pubs, old buildings, red post boxes, church bells,narrow roads, a good joint of roast lamb with mint sauce, to name but a few) but I have grown to love the U.S.